The Blessing of Motherhood
“I can imagine no heroism greater than motherhood.” ~Lance Conrad
There are various paths to becoming a mother… but, no matter how this season opens in life, certain things are true: the decision to become a mother and the early stages of new parenthood move slowly, and then the changes, both inner and outer, happen so suddenly. The heart grows bigger, beyond imagination, and the entire world shifts into these two tiny eyes staring back. So many complex emotions are present all at once, from unconditional love and joy, to shock, fear, and pure exhaustion. The days blend with the nights, and the tireless, never ending responsibilities of nurturing and keeping another human alive become the topmost priority, eventually evolving into tiny, rewarding moments of joy. The choice has been made and the commitment sealed to give everything - time, energy, money, attention - to nurture this child and your unique relationship with all of your being.
I’ll never forget the moment my first son was born and placed onto my chest. Time stood still, after all of the anticipation, patience, and pain, and the most indescribable feeling washed over me. I couldn’t believe he was here, that he was mine, that he had come from me, from us. I went on to have two more babies, each with their own pregnancy and labor stories, each with their very own unique personalities and journeys. With each addition to the family, how I saw and experienced myself continued to evolve. My capacity and confidence grew along with the dynamic of our family. As I have been navigating this season of my life, I feel a deep connection to my own mother, my grandmother, and my childhood. My most sacred memories come rushing back, coming to life as I raise my family, hopeful for all that I wish for this special bond, doing the best with what I have, and continually learning as each day passes.
Motherhood means something different and unique to each person, but one thing is for sure, it reveals newfound strength that you may have never experienced before, or even known was possible. The maddening, controlled chaos doesn’t quite get easier with time, you just grow more skilled at navigating the intensity of the stormy periods, followed by blessing after blessing of meaning and fulfillment when the skies clear. Motherhood is connecting with a higher part of yourself that fills you with compassion and unconditional love for another soul. It begins with dreams of their future and who they will grow to be, to savoring moments of snuggling and warmth, to supporting them as they become independent and go out into the world to explore, while providing a home that they can always come back to for safety and love.
I’ve always felt that hindsight is 20/20, and imagine if I could go back to the beginning with all that I know now, I might make different choices… but, something about motherhood is so organic and beautiful that I wouldn’t want to change anything. All of the small disappointments, the learning curves, the changes and shifts that occur along the way have taught me about the nature of life, the nature of relationships, and most importantly, myself - all while building the most special, life-giving connections.
Of those life-giving connections, opening up to a community of other mothers is so deeply gratifying and supportive. I’ve always believed that old saying that “it takes a village to raise a child ”. This sacred task and divine duty is so much bigger than us, that plugging into the wisdom of others who are in the same life season or who have already lived it, not only lightens the heavy load, but creates a practice of accepting support, love, and care from others. It creates a safe and uplifting space of learning, compassion, and grace. Some of my most treasured relationships were born from this incredible experience of being a mother. This is another aspect that is reflected here at Jane’s House - a home to nurture self-care and positive connections during pregnancy and beyond, into motherhood. If you are looking for excellent prenatal yoga or pelvic floor classes, prenatal massage, as well as a loving community of women and mothers, you will find warm and welcoming hearts at Jane’s House Studio.
James E. Faust once said, “There is no greater good in all the world than motherhood.”
It truly is a gift.
Vanessa Strege completed her 200hr Yoga Teacher Training at Jane’s House in May 2022. She is happily married and blessed to be the mother of three: Bastian, Beckham, and Bellamy. She previously taught high school English and created the school’s first Yoga Club and Literacy Club. She loves sharing her passion for yoga and writing through her Prenatal Yoga classes at Jane’s House and as a contributor to the studio’s blog.