Ayurveda is based on the harmony between each individual and nature, on regeneration and relaxation. Ayurveda is a holistic, traditional medical system. Its premise is that illness results from disharmony in the individual's natural, internal equilibrium. Causes might be lifestyle habits, which can make us ill. Negative stress is just as much a contributor to this as an unhealthy diet or onerous work.
In Ayurvedic teaching, the world is clearly regulated. It consists of the five elements: space/ether (Akasha), air (Vayu), fire (Agni), water (Jala) and earth (Prithivi). These forms of energy combine in holistic functional principles and determine everything: from the characteristics of rocks to those of plants, animals, and people. A dynamic equilibrium prevails between the elements. This adapts to the body's needs and functions, which are constantly changing. It is also dependent on external influences: the seasons affect an individual's state as does the time of day and their age.
It is our goal to support health by providing resources and education on Ayurveda, as well as work within the scope of our practice.
“Emotions are based in instincts, notably hunger, thirst, survival and reproduction, which are inherent in the physical body down to a cellular level. But emotions function at a more personal level of the vital force or prana, extending and expanding instinctual reactions into our self-expression, including how we use our sense and motor organs.
Yet emotions occur at a mental level as well, coloring how our mind works. In fact, emotions rooted in prana dominate shape and rule over the mind, which functions to promote our emotions with its intelligence. The mind works more to serve emotions more than to question them, like how anger makes us plot against our enemies; the mind rarely works to have us question why we are angry and if it is appropriate.” - Dr. David Frawley
Jane’s House is blessed to have a gifted facilitator, Reena Parrish. Her practice offers clients the experience of being deeply seen and heard. She counsels through compassion and inquiry to help clients understand themselves and discover their unique gifts, purpose, and solutions. She has a B.S. in Communication Studies and M.A. in Spiritual Psychology with a specialization in Consciousness, Health, and Healing. Her training also includes Nonviolent Communication, 500 hours of Advanced Yoga Studies, and over 700 hours in Ayurveda Studies. Reena is a certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor and uses Ayurveda to further support clients with lifestyle and nutrition.
In Ayurveda, correct nutrition is important. The digestive force (Agni) has a therapeutic effect: it converts food into energy and components for life. That is why it is important to provide our body with those foods that suit our specific constitution.
Along with the therapeutic interventions and yoga & meditation, diet is one of the three pillars in Ayurveda. This alone demonstrates the great importance that diet has in Ayurvedic philosophy. The effect that foods, herbs, and spices have on the human organism is determined by the three doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which in turn are made up of the five major elements. The time of day at which different foods are consumed is also integral to the dosha concept and affects their impact. Without food, life cannot be sustained. It gives us energy and provides mental fortitude and clarity.
Kateland is a third-year student at the California College of Ayurveda. She has completed Principals of Ayurveda and Clinical Ayurvedic Medicine, as well as her client internship to become an Ayurvedic Health Counselor.
Kateland is a gift to our community. She teaches Yoga on Mondays, offers private sessions in the principals of both Yoga and Ayurveda.
Kateland also offers Ayurveda Kitchen Workshops on a quarterly basis, offering recipes to balance the doshas.

Ayurveda Health Counseling
Ayurveda Consultations
If you would like to have more information about Ayurveda and what to expect from having a one-on-one consultation with an Ayurvedic Health Counselor, please reach out! We look forward to hearing from you!
Vedic Astrology Counseling
Sai is a beloved friend and regular guest teacher at Jane’s House Studio. I highly recommend a session with Sai; he is one of the most sincere and gentle souls I have ever met. - Robin
Sai offers astrology counselling sessions based on the ancient wisdom of Vedic astrology.
Through a gentle and profound interpretation of your birth chart, a session with Sai can help you understand your life events and motivations better, remind you of your inner strengths, highlight possible factors of confusion, and offer you a vision to align your thoughts and actions with your soul purpose.
The planets and stars provide a celestial map, a way ‘back’ to the Cosmic Source, to alignment with our own inner rhythms. They remind us that life continually seeks to evolve, and we are forever presented with opportunities to choose a new way forward. Through this brilliant play of light and darkness in the skies, we see reflected back to us the multitudes of possibilities that the experience of life presents us with.
During times of doubt, times of choice and times of growth, these counselling sessions provide a deeper awareness of self, and can be an opportunity to know oneself better.
The following readings are offered:
An overall reading of your birth chart and in-depth examination through consultation $150
Follow-up reading and consultation, including Varshaphala or annual solar-return guidance (applicable after your first session with Sai) $120
Once you get in touch with us with your intent to book a session, you will receive a response within 24 hours with a link to complete your payment, as well as day/time options for you to choose from. Sessions are conducted over Zoom, with the option to record your session for your future reference.