Our Yoga Teachers
“What you are the world is. And without your transformation, there can be no transformation of the world.”
— Jiddu Krishnamurti
Robin Buck
I opened Jane’s House in January 2002 to fulfill my dream of helping others live a healthier, more balanced life. This special place has had a vibrant energy since then. To me, yoga is a way of life, a practice that builds strength and courage for facing each moment. It involves being open and truthful in relationships, as well as learning to observe and understand our inner thoughts and feelings. It’s about responding in ways that feel new rather than habitual. Over the past twenty-three years, I have had the honor of leading Jane’s House and training with many teachers. Now retired from ownership, I happily serve as a mentor and teacher.
Founder, E-RYT 500, YACEP, Retired C-IAYT
Reena Parrish
Prompted by a restless mind, turbulent emotions, and little awareness of my own body, I found a home for myself in yoga. With each practice, I noticed subtle yet profound changes that ignited a desire to understand myself and the nature of life through these ancient teachings. Through my studies, I had the extraordinary fortune of meeting Robin, our studio’s beloved founder, who became both my mentor and dearest friend.
Initially, my studies were purely for personal growth, but this wisdom tradition proved transformative beyond measure. The practices of self-observation and self-inquiry continue to guide me daily - helping me listen deeply to both my inner critic and inner cheerleader, to cultivate courage and curiosity to navigate life, and to acknowledge the universal humanity and effort of applying these teachings in the moment. Today, I share these teachings from an inspired heart to support the lives of others.
I am profoundly honored to be entrusted with the stewardship and care of Jane’s House. Guided by my commitment to joyful service, it is an absolute pleasure and privilege to serve and nurture our beloved Community alongside our amazing teachers.
Owner, Director, E-RYT 500, YACEP
Danielle Greenwood
Yoga creates a wonderful sense of calm and is the foundation for living a balanced life. After finding the mat, feelings of inadequacy turned to confidence and competitiveness shifted to compassion. I became a teacher to share the practice that I love.
My journey began in 2011 with Robin Buck at Jane's House of Well-Being. I completed Advanced Studies with Matthew and Holly Krepps. Most recently my studies have included Ayurveda where I trained with Andrea Olivera, at Ayurveda Rituals in Toronto, CA.
I lead a class to empower but also maintain a sense of playfulness. I believe the more space we create in our bodies the more openness we will have in our hearts and in our minds.
Kateland Reese
When I moved the Missouri, the first thing I did was find a Yoga studio. I was lucky enough to find Jane’s House of Well-being. I had practiced yoga before, but this was my first time I had practiced an inquiry-based practice and I was hooked. As stress from my job increased so did my yoga practice.
Being on my mat just made sense to me. It was a wonderful way to bring a sense of clarity and balance to my life. The more I practiced the more I realized that yoga was a part of my life that I was not willing to live without. After coming to that realization, it just seemed natural to enrolling in the 200-hour teacher training program. It has been an amazing journey. I have a hunger to learn more and share these practices with others -- the why behind yoga and the principles I’ve been taught; this is what I love to do. Yoga allows me to share the love I have with others and is a wonderful tool to discover how strong we are as human beings. I am so grateful to have found such a wonderful community and can’t wait to see where this journey takes me!
Christy Wetzel
Years ago, I found a warm and welcoming community at Jane's House beyond anything I had experienced elsewhere. Led by my love of yoga practice and my love of teaching, I started teaching here in 2004.
The way I teach is influenced by the intelligent method taught at Jane’s House. I structure classes to include both movement and stillness while progressing from less to more complex postures. In this way, I create classes that welcome beginners while also challenging continuing yoga students. I provide space in the class setting for students to find their own best yoga practice. I am a Registered Yoga Teacher with the National Yoga Alliance and received my 500-hour certification from my exceptional teachers Robin Buck of Jane’s House and Matthew Krepps of Circle Yoga Shala. In addition to teaching classes, I also serve as a Trainer in the Yoga Teacher Training Program at Jane’s House. Come to class at Jane's House!
E-RYT 500
Bird Shea
Anyone who knows me knows that two of my passions are: movement, especially through sports and exercise, and helping others. In the past, I was able to put the two together by coaching soccer and basketball.
My yoga practice truly began many years ago, when I started attending classes at Jane’s House. Through yoga, I have been able to strengthen my body, mind, and spirit.
I completed the 200 Hour teacher training program at Jane’s House in June 2019, and I love teaching for this awesome community!
RYT 500
Joe Marquez
I first started yoga to help my body recover and realign from the physical demands of Brazilian Jiujitsu. Gradually, I realized the intelligence of the body and how it communicates. Yoga taught me about the fine line between effort and struggle in posture practice, which brought greater body awareness, especially regarding when to add more effort, when to slow down, or stop altogether to prevent pain or injury. As my practice continued, I also began to focus on the more subtle aspects of yoga: self-inquiry, insight, and meditation.
In my years of studying, practicing, and teaching yoga, I am grateful for the vast gifts that the teachings and this community have given me. Peace is one of these gifts. By inviting postural movement that slows down into stillness, peace can be offered to the body, breath, mind, and the Self. To me, yoga is a practice that is personally cultivated and then shared, both on and off the mat.
The gifts of yoga are many, and I look forward to sharing them with you through the experience of guided practice.
Please join me for a supportive, life-giving experience of yoga.
Om Shanti Om Peace
RYT 500
Jessica Meier-Hanks
Like many students, I initially found yoga as a form of exercise, and I started practicing at a local gym. What surprised me about yoga was the ability I found to quiet my busy mind, and the way that I felt when I left my mat. I realized that I wanted to deepen my practice, and knew I wanted to go to a dedicated yoga studio. I eventually found my way to Jane's House, and I have been at home here ever since. It felt right to take the next step and enter the teaching program, and I graduated with my 200-hour certification in 2018.
Yoga has brought so much joy and self-awareness to my life, and it is my great privilege to share that joy now as a teacher.
RYT 200
Vinotha Raja
I have always had a passion for teaching and sharing anything new that I learned. In 2012, my mom was diagnosed with Parkinson and this news made my whole world crumble.
She had been the center of my universe and now our roles were now reversed. When I tried making sense of what lay ahead of us, a friend of mine sowed a seed of thought about Kundalini Yoga. I practiced with diligence and found that it helped me cope with the uncertainty. It gave me the calmness and acceptance that I needed at that time to handle life’s situations.
In 2016, I met my friend’s father, who was a yoga teacher in India. He taught me more asanas -- which are tools of yoga. The seed of yoga grew into a plant as I watered it with consistent practice. I felt happiness and contentment bloom within me like a flower.
In 2017, I found Jane’s House of Well Being where I took my Yoga Teacher Training Course. I felt the calling to turn this flower into a fruit of joy, peace, and balance and share it with the world. Once I started teaching community classes at Jane’s House, I felt this was my gift to the world. I hope to sow the seed of yoga to every student I meet and help them experience what I have experienced so far. I’m very thankful for all the love and support that I received from my husband and kids during this journey.
RYT 500
Sarah Kupka
I first came to Jane’s House in October 2016, after many years of intermittent yoga practice. I immediately felt a connection with both the teachings and the community. The teachings took me to the edge of my comfort zone and allowed for expansion in my mind, body, and breath. The community reminded me that yoga is not only transformational, but also a lot of fun.
Encouraged by my amazing teachers, I completed the 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Program in the spring of 2022. I originally enrolled in the program to deepen my own yoga practice and knowledge of the yoga teachings. I quickly discovered that sharing my knowledge with others was what truly deepened my practice.
I am so grateful to be part of this community that consistently reminds me to come back to what is real in the present moment, and that I already have everything I need. If I have the privilege of leading you in practice, I hope through breath, movement, and stillness I can remind you of the same.
RYT 200
Kenzie Krieger
Growing up as an athlete and with a diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis at age 17, yoga was vital in helping me balance the intensity of training, daily stress, and my arthritis. I practiced yoga regularly throughout high school and college and grew much more sensitive to myself and my body’s needs. When I returned home after graduating from college, I knew I wanted to teach yoga, to share this practice that has helped me so much.
I completed my 200-hour YTT at Jane’s House in May 2022. I am able to apply many years of studying anatomy and physiology in real time. As I teach, I enjoy offering further education about the physiological benefits of different postures, and I am passionate about exploring movements for each unique body and healing journey with sensitivity and respect.
As a teacher, it is most important to always remain a student with a passion for learning. I have completed additional training in Yin/Restorative yoga, prenatal and postnatal care, pelvic floor health, Pranayama, Ayurveda, accessible friendly chair yoga, and Pilates. I believe strongly in preventative medicine, which is what yoga is! Practicing creates space and time for you to be with yourself and feel what needs more attention. Then you can take what you’ve learned on your mat into your everyday life. Join us at Jane’s House to learn more about yourself!
Rachael Rehagen
When I began my mental health journey in 2016, I was looking for something to help me reconnect to my body and feel safe within it. That's when I stepped onto my mat for the first time.
In the beginning, I did not know what to expect from this practice, now I realize how much yoga has benefited me physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
I completed my 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training at Jane's House of Well-Being. Additionally, I am certified to teach Buti Yoga.
Community is a core value for me, something I love to contribute, and hopefully is felt in every class. My intention is to create a safe space where everyone is invited to be open, stay curious, and tap into their inner joy.
RYT 200
Emily Jones
My journey with yoga began in 2014 out of sheer necessity: I had developed a strong love/hate relationship with my foam roller but needed to stretch more regularly. When the personal training gym I attended began offering yoga classes, I overcame an intense fear of how ridiculous I would look and gave it a try.
I found the deep stretch I needed, and wow, was it GREAT! Stretching alone would have been enough, but I also rediscovered my breath. My breath eased my mind. My quieted-mind heard my heart and listened to my body. I remembered what it meant to joyfully play, explore, discover and feel, to truly LISTEN - I felt whole. How curious!
I chased my curiosity all the way to Jane's House where I studied in this beautiful inquiry-based method and am incredibly honored to now serve as a teacher. I hope to share my love for this method in a way that feels supportive and encouraging. I want students of all shapes and sizes to feel confident, comfortable, and supported in their journey with yoga. I will make every effort to offer all of my students the same love and support I've been given by this incredible community so that it might serve you in your journey both on and off the mat...and if you're simply looking to ditch your foam roller like I was 8 years ago, let's begin!
RYT 500
Matt Dickson
For me, yoga has been a practice of self-inquiry. In the process, the gift of learning about myself translated into an ease of movement in my body that had eluded me before. As I began sharing what I was learning with my personal training clients, they experienced the same. Yoga very quickly became the "missing piece" in both my personal wellness and my career in supporting others in their health and well-being. As I observed this continuing trend, the next logical step was teacher training.
In 2017, I enrolled in the 200-hour teacher training program at Jane's House to become a teacher. Teaching at Jane's House is an honor, and I feel fortunate to share what I have learned in the place where I learned it!
My favorite practice is Yin because the deep stretch and stillness eases tension. Tension in the body is tension in the mind, and when it leaves the body, it leaves the mind. And the more that is felt, the more that can be released!
If you're feeling tight and stressed out, come practice with me! I will gladly meet you where you are.
RYT 500
Nikki Chilton
My journey to yoga manifested through a series of life events, which opened my life path to wellness.
In 2014, while adjusting to being a new Mama with a toddler and a newborn, I received a chronic health diagnosis. My world as I knew it was flipped upside down. I had a knowing that true healing needed to take place, and that the responsibility of spearheading my journey was mine. With the intention of connecting to my whole being, I pursued my intuition with curiosity and an openness to including alternative practices into my routine.
Yoga was suggested as a helpful modality, and I dove in with an asana-focused practice. After a handful of years practicing in this way, a friend invited to me to experience the “magic of Jane’s House”. It was here I discovered a deeper, more personal relationship with yoga, and I never looked back. Integrating inquiry-based yoga has forever changed the way I experience life on and off the mat.
I feel incredibly fortunate to be a part of this fun-loving, joyful community. I hope to give back to others what I have received at Jane’s House. It has been a place of healing and comfort for my mind, body and soul and will forever be an extension of my home.
I warmly invite you to join me. Come as you are, explore and have some fun!
RYT 200
Vanessa Strege
I found yoga as a teenager, when I had my first back surgery. Yoga helped me heal and rediscover my strength, especially with movement in dance, softball, and basketball. When I had my second back surgery in my 20s, my relationship with yoga solidified even further. Yoga has helped me face life’s challenges with positivity and hope.
While being a student of yoga, I found myself teaching it as well. When I taught high school English, I created my own Yoga Club. My desire to continue my yoga journey literally took me to amazing places around the world. I have been blessed to travel to 21 countries, from Belize to Indonesia to pursue my learning and practice of yoga. Life brought me to Jane’s House in 2019, and it quickly became a second home to me. I completed the Jane’s House Yoga Teacher Training program in 2022 to further my personal practice and development. I have a passion for leading others and inspiring them to discover their own inner strengths. My favorite part of teaching has always been witnessing growth, not only in myself but in my students as well. I am always blown away by the compassionate relationships that form and how we impact each other.
To me, yoga means to have love for yourself, your body, mind, and spirit, and your environment. It means taking the time for self-care, self-awareness, and growth in order to support service to others. It's the choice to focus on your energy, your heart, your love, and the significance your life can have when practicing mindfulness and compassion. To me, yoga means choosing to bring peace and focus into your life.
I took prenatal yoga during both of my pregnancies and now practice yoga with my two boys. I am beyond honored to share space with women during this amazing journey in their life and encourage them to seek the deep strength of their breath and bodies. In my classes, you will have the opportunity to find your own rhythm for challenging practices, and playful or restorative ones. I welcome everyone, no matter where you're at, to come discover your inner joy!
RYT 200
Andrea Stanley-Biss
It was a beautiful moment of serendipity that brought me through the doors of Jane’s House, and I am forever changed by the amazing souls I have met here. I have been practicing Yoga for over 15 years, and it has had a life-changing impact on me. This practice has helped me understand and learn about myself through an exploration of balance, endurance, and awareness of the present moment.
Experiencing something so amazing and transformative inspired my desire to share these teachings. I completed the teacher training here at Jane’s House in 2022, and I love seeing and hearing how students feel after a yoga class. Yoga meets people where they are, and positivity and a sense of peace can be felt throughout the room. I care deeply for our community, and serving our community is my “why."
With over 20 years of experience teaching and supporting children, I am honored and humbled to offer these teachings to Young Yogis. Our children are a treasure, and I look forward to the opportunity to help each child discover inner strength, and develop their minds, as well as their bodies.
I can only hope to share the love I have received here to those I meet. Peace to you.
RYT 200
Teresa Weaver
My first yoga experience came as a newly divorced mom with three daughters and a demanding job. Despite my busy life, I joined a friend for a class and loved how it shifted my focus to body and breath, offering a needed mental break. I made yoga a priority, realizing my teacher was right: when busy, yoga is essential.
After moving to Missouri in 2009 and struggling to find a community, I found Jane's House in 2015, feeling at home. I completed my 200-hour teacher training at Jane's House in 2020, transforming my journey and connecting with fellow teachers and students. I’m currently in the Advanced Studies program and will complete an additional 300 hours by October 2023.
Recently, I’ve embraced pranayama, meditation, and sound baths, finding they help me stay calm off the mat. I teach yoga to offer students a break from daily life, encouraging focus on body and breath for a refreshed perspective. My classes are accessible to all ages and abilities. I hope to see you on the mat!
RYT 500
Jackie Sprague
Jackie Sprague is a multifaceted therapist dedicated to the art of healing and soul alchemy through mindful movement, breathwork, and various energy & bodywork methods. As a massage therapist, she combines her deep knowledge of the human body with a nurturing touch to provide relief and ease to her clients. Her expertise extends to breathwork facilitation and coaching, where she guides individuals through transformative practices that promote mental clarity and emotional balance. In addition to her therapeutic work, Jackie is a passionate dance teacher, sharing the joy of movement and expression through dance. Breath & Body Alchemy was born from a desire to integrate Jackie's intuitive wisdom of bodywork, passion of movement through dance, and the transformative effects of conscious breathwork. All of which combined create a powerful force on the path to true healing.
Tim O’Shaughnessy
Namaste friends! Yoga has been an important healing force in my life for the past 8 years, and I have enjoyed developing a personal practice during that time. Yoga’s impact on my life inspired me to pursue learning how to teach, and I graduated from the Jane’s House 200hr Teacher Training Program in 2022. I am passionate about both Yoga and fitness, and sharing the teachings of both fulfills yet another passion of mine, which is to help others grow into the best versions of themselves. Please join me once a month for Surrender and Sound, a yin practice with the healing sound of singing bowls and the support of affirmations.
RYT 200
Linda Mueller
When I first was introduced to yoga, I had a feeling of coming home to myself through a mind-body connection that felt life-giving. As I continued my personal yoga practice, my desire to deepen my connection and knowledge drew me to the 200Hr yoga teacher training program at Janes House in 2014. I have since been fortunate to maintain a connection with this vital community through the years. The posture practice, study of yoga philosophy and self inquiry continue to be sources of support and guidance in my life. My favorite aspect of being part of a like-hearted community that shares my value for curiosity is that together, we can remain open to what’s possible. My heart and life have been touched and changed by these teachings, and I am inspired and grateful to serve and share with others.
Please join me if you are open and curious about exploring yoga off the mat through Connect with Compassion, a weekly practice of compassionate communication.
CYT 200